Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Paul wrote this letter to a vibrant church in the city of Rome sometime around 57 A.D. Paul's letters to young churches normally addressed a particular issue or occasion. But Romans is different. It offers a more general view of Paul's theology and provides a systematic outline of the essentials of the Christian faith.

Paul had for many years dreamed of preaching in Rome. This letter served as a kind of introduction to prepare the church for his anticipated visit. It gave them instruction in the faith and an overall 'syllabus' of Paul's teaching. We also know that this church included both Jews and Gentiles and that Paul wrote to give them instruction and encouragement that would help them live in harmony.

As was the custom of the time, Paul dictated this letter to a secretary named Tertius. He probably didn't sit at a desk polishing his carefully crafted words. Rather Paul would have poured out his heart in a torrent of words with Tertius racing to record them.

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