Friday, February 25, 2011

Romans 9 & 10

Paul attempts to explain the difference between the Jewish way of thinking and the believes of the new Church in these complicated and difficult chapters. The Jews were God's chosen people. They had had a unique place in God's purposes and yet when God's son had come into the world they rejected Him.

Paul says some hard things to the Jews in these chapters. The whole passage from Romans 9-11 is basically a condemnation of the Jewish attitude towards religion. Jewish religion was based on meticulous observation of the Law. Jews believed that obedience earned men credit with God. The new Church believed that because of the death of Jesus that man no longer was faced with the task of satisfying God's justice; he only had to accept God's love.

One important thing to remember is that not all the Jews rejected Jesus. Some accepted His teaching and believed in Him. All of the first followers of Jesus were Jews.

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