One of the mysteries of the bible is the identity of Melchizedek. In the story from Genesis, Melchizedek is the strange and eery figure that arrives out of the blue to offer blessings to Abraham. He gives Abraham wine and bread (sounds a little sacramental huh?) blesses him and accepts a tithe of his war time plunder.
Under Jewish law, priest were required to come from the bloodline of Aaron. Genesis is all about the genealogies. Long list of ancestors are cited. In fact the whole Jewish priesthood was founded on genealogy. But none are written for Melchizedek. Then he accepts tithes from Abraham the founder of the Jewish race which would signify Melchizedek's higher position.
Various theories grew around the mysterious figure of Melchizedek. A Jewish madrish or interpretation says that the word Melchizedek is not a name but rather a position. And that it was the position given to Noah's righteous son Shem. Some Evangelical Christan denominations teach that Melchizedek was actually a pre-incarnate Christ. A premonition or earlier manifestation of Christ before the virgin birth. Others teach that he was an Angel sent by God as a representative.
The writer of Hebrews describes Jesus as a priest after the order of Melchizedek. He argues the superiority of the Melchizedek priesthood over the Levitical priest descending from Aaron. He says that the system of Levitical sacrifices had proved ineffective to restore the lost fellowship between God and man. So then a new priesthood was necessary, the priesthood after the order of Melchizedek.
Jesus offers a new and better covenant, a new kind of relationship between man and God. While the old covenant was based on law, the new covenant is based on love and on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The old covenant was based on man's achievement, while the new covenant is based on God's love.
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