Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1 Corinthians 4, 5 & 6

It's believed that Paul wrote at least 4 letters to the church in Corinth. These letters were written on sheets of payrus and it wasn't until 90 AD that they were all collected together. Some biblical scholars believe that part of Paul's letters to the Corinthians got thrown together when they were copied.

In 1 Cornithian 5:9 Paul refers to a previous letter he wrote this church. Some scholars believe that this letter was lost. Others believe that parts of it are contained in 2 Cornithian 6: 13-& 7:2. Remember that originally there were no chapters and verses just Paul's writings grouped together.

Then in 2 Cornithian 7:8 Paul refers to a previous "severe" letter that he wrote to this church. Once again some scholars believe it is lost while others believe it to be 2 Corinthias 10-13.

Paul can also be hard to understand. His sentence structure can be difficult, and sometimes his grammar breaks down. It might be easier to read these letters with a good bible commentary (the Cliff Notes of the bible world) or to read a modern interpretation of these words like the Message Bible. (which is a modern paraphrase).

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